PeoSoc PeoSoc
ensure Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal Peoples Humlo Indigenous Peoples Indigenous communities affected Indigenous Peoples children academic appointment

Indigenous Educators Are the Firekeepers

Indigenous Educators Are the Firekeepers

The rigid confines of the U.S. education system, with its 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM schedule, the classic setup of a public school classroom, and the lessons I regularly was unable to relate to never quite suited me as an Indigenous child, and once I began failing my classes, it made me question my own intelligence.

Meet Our 2024 KOEF Partners Championing Their Indigenous Languages, Knowledge Systems, and Cultures

Meet Our 2024 KOEF Partners Championing Their Indigenous Languages, Knowledge Systems, and Cultures

This year, they are receiving support from KOEF to finance courses that will strengthen Raramuri knowledge in planting, crafts, preserves, medicine, political organization, games, dance, sports, and other cultural traditions.

Resilient Roots: The Enduring Legacy of Koĩts-Sunuwar Indigenous Education

Resilient Roots: The Enduring Legacy of Koĩts-Sunuwar Indigenous Education

The Koĩts-Sunuwar Peoples of Nepal have a deeply rooted Indigenous system of education that emphasizes learning through observation, practice, community socialization, participation in cultural and spiritual rituals, and the transmission of oral teachings.

Revitalize the Roots: Bikaptorois

Revitalize the Roots: Bikaptorois

Since 2018, the Jamii Asilia Centre (JAC), founded to protect and promote the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Kenya through sustainable and culturally relevant development, has conducted a series of 10 direct consultations with Endorois youth, Elders, and key influential figures.

Sharing Our Experiences, Stories, And Territories In Our Voices, With Our Hands

Sharing Our Experiences, Stories, And Territories In Our Voices, With Our Hands

We decided to use a methodology that encompassed play, creation, and relaxation in which children could be introduced to an artistic discipline by watching videos, listening to music, or seeing live dance performances; to present an experience in which they could engage their senses and reflect on it.

Our Culture Is Our Identity: Revitalizing Mayan Language Through Education

Our Culture Is Our Identity: Revitalizing Mayan Language Through Education

With the support of Cultural Survival’s Indigenous Youth Fellowship, Dzib created a digital repository of bilingual virtual resources tailored for elementary school children incorporating the experiences of teachers, students, and parents.

Report Warns Santacruz Silver of Serious Human Rights Violations at Bolivia Mine ahead of AGM

Report Warns Santacruz Silver of Serious Human Rights Violations at Bolivia Mine ahead of AGM

Last week, Indigenous leaders from the Ayllu Acre Antequera in Bolivia, together with the organizations Qhana Pukara Kurmi, Cultural Survival, and Earthworks, submitted a report to the Canadian mining company Santacruz Silver (SCS) ahead of its Annual General Meeting today in Vancouver.

New data reveals rates of family violence among those who died by suicide

New data reveals rates of family violence among those who died by suicide

They remind us of what many working in this space already instinctively knew: the horrifically high count of lives lost to the national crisis of men’s violence against women is likely far higher than official numbers suggest.

Indigenous Education: Safeguarding Our Knowledge for Future Generations

Indigenous Education: Safeguarding Our Knowledge for Future Generations

This includes both traditional and modern methodologies such as immersive language programs and internships, cultural events and gatherings, youth camps and excursions, in-person and online classes, publishing books, and developing software and apps.

Awakening through the Kichwa Language

Awakening through the Kichwa Language

“I didn’t know my grand-parents and I always felt a lack of them in my life, so seeing these elderly people on the street and not being able to help them touched me because I couldn’t speak our language.” Although Anrango’s parents dressed her in traditional clothing from the time she was born, as a child they only communicated with her in Spanish, something she would later come to question.

The Siren Song – UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Report Sings About Advancing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, but the Panel Retains Colonial Aspects Regarding Indigenous Lands

The Siren Song – UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Report Sings About Advancing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, but the Panel Retains Colonial Aspects Regarding Indigenous Lands

The call for a global traceability framework and a High-Level Expert Advisory Group indicated by the report is essential, but the lack of binding mechanisms means these remain voluntary, and their effectiveness depends on the willingness of states and corporations to act.

The Secretary-General’s Panel’s New Set of Recommendations on CETMs: An Opportunity to Ensure the Respect of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Avoid Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

The Secretary-General’s Panel’s New Set of Recommendations on CETMs: An Opportunity to Ensure the Respect of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Avoid Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

Furthermore, we welcome the panel’s recognition that “specific measures should be implemented to ensure that Indigenous Peoples are recognized as equal partners and benefit equitably from these opportunities, with benefit-sharing schemes aligned with their right to self-determination” (Principle 4, Para 38).