PeoSoc PeoSoc
affected Indigenous Peoples ensure Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal Peoples academic appointment Humlo Indigenous Peoples Australian Research Council receive funding

affected Indigenous Peoples

Uplift U.S. Indigenous Rights + Build Movement

Uplift U.S. Indigenous Rights + Build Movement

The UPR is a process conducted at the United Nations in Geneva that reviews each UN member state’s record with regard to its human rights obligations and commitments.

Genocide Continues Today

Genocide Continues Today

Forced assimilation is also a part of this process, which frequently includes the removal of children and separation of families, psychological violence, prevention of the ability to lead a traditional lifestyle, perverted notions of cultural values, and the imposition of moral principles by outsiders.

This Holiday Season, Shop Indigenous at the Cultural Survival Bazaar!

This Holiday Season, Shop Indigenous at the Cultural Survival Bazaar!

As you enter the Bazaar, you'll be welcomed into a space filled with joy and resilience, where the air is alive with music and the presence of Indigenous vendors and cooperatives sharing their culture and stories.

UNESCO Forum Amplifies Indigenous Voices, Calls for Action to Strengthen Indigenous Media

UNESCO Forum Amplifies Indigenous Voices, Calls for Action to Strengthen Indigenous Media

Sheryl Lightfoot (Anishinaabe), a member of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), highlighted the study's potential to drive change by identifying gaps and challenges in implementing Article 16 and providing recommendations to governments and stakeholders.

Stopping Violence Against Indigenous Women

Stopping Violence Against Indigenous Women

It is colonialism, coupled with widespread poverty, racial discrimination, and gender inequality, that has created the conditions for increased violence against Indigenous women.

IIPFCC COP29 Closing Statement: Condemning Unethical Methods and Outcomes

IIPFCC COP29 Closing Statement: Condemning Unethical Methods and Outcomes

We support the CSOs who have chosen to use silence to refuse to give legitimacy to this sham of a process but we have an obligation to speak and hold our place as rights holders in this space and ensure our disappointment is put on record.

The Answer Is Us! : Brazilian Indigenous Movement Demands Bold Climate Action from G20 Leaders

The Answer Is Us! : Brazilian Indigenous Movement Demands Bold Climate Action from G20 Leaders

With a powerful symbolic protest, the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) held a peaceful demonstration in Rio de Janeiro on November 16, 2024, to condemn the inaction of the world’s wealthiest and most polluting nations in tackling the global climate crisis.

Conference of the Parties of Three UN Conventions of 2024: A Review of High-level Goals and Outcomes Related to Indigenous Peoples

Conference of the Parties of Three UN Conventions of 2024: A Review of High-level Goals and Outcomes Related to Indigenous Peoples

In this regard, on October 24, the European Parliament adopted a resolution in which it also noted the Azerbaijani regime's repression of activists, journalists, opposition leaders, and others, including EU citizens, which has markedly intensified in the run-up to the upcoming 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29)

We Shall Remain

We Shall Remain

Our lifeways and values, rooted in environmental stewardship, community, and mutual aid, hold solutions to the world’s biggest crises – climate change, ecocide, biodiversity collapse, social and economic inequity, and injustice.

Cultural Survival and the Colla Community of CopiapĂł Commune Denounce Violations of Indigenous Women’s Rights in Chile

Cultural Survival and the Colla Community of CopiapĂł Commune Denounce Violations of Indigenous Women’s Rights in Chile

Regarding Free, Prior and Informed Consent, the Committee recommended guaranteeing this right so that there is an equitable distribution of benefits and meaningful participation in decision-making about the use of natural resources and lands traditionally used by Indigenous women.

COP16 Wraps Up in Cali: Progress, Challenges, and the Unfinished Work for Biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

COP16 Wraps Up in Cali: Progress, Challenges, and the Unfinished Work for Biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

A significant win at COP16 is the formal recognition of the role of people of African descent, particularly those embodying traditional lifestyles, in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF).

Historic decision at COP16 as Indigenous Peoples and local communities gain a permanent space in biodiversity policy

Historic decision at COP16 as Indigenous Peoples and local communities gain a permanent space in biodiversity policy

“Under the leadership of the COP16 Presidency, all CBD Parties have truly made COP16 a “People’s COP,” heeding the voices of those on the frontlines who nurture and protect the planet’s last remaining biodiverse regions,” concluded Lakpa Nuri Sherpa, Co-chair of the IIFB.