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affected Indigenous Peoples ensure Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal Peoples academic appointment Humlo Indigenous Peoples Australian Research Council Indigenous communities

2024 October

Indigenous Voices Rising: Challenging Narratives and Shaping the Future of Media in Asia

Indigenous Voices Rising: Challenging Narratives and Shaping the Future of Media in Asia

The "Community Journalism Through Audio Storytelling" project, led by Amanda W. Mojilip, aims to bridge the gap in media representation by empowering youth to share their perspectives on critical issues such as biodiversity, climate change, and socioeconomic challenges.

Message from Nixon Piaguaje Yaiguaje, ahead of CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia

Message from Nixon Piaguaje Yaiguaje, ahead of CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia

For this reason, we call on humanity so that states cease the environmental licenses they grant to multinationals, as this helps these outsiders to extract the natural resources that should remain on earth.

How did public service leaders talk to staff about Robodebt? What they said – or didn’t – is revealing

How did public service leaders talk to staff about Robodebt? What they said – or didn’t – is revealing

Investigating the scheme, which ran under the Morrison government, Commissioner Catherine Holmes was disturbed by “the lengths to which public servants were prepared to go to oblige ministers”, undermining the concept of impartiality and frank and fearless advice.

Position Statement on Banks’ Responsibilities Regarding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Biodiversity

Position Statement on Banks’ Responsibilities Regarding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Biodiversity

Such commitments must be memorialized in robust policies, implemented in a way that truly monitors and protects the rights of Environmental Defenders affected by bank-financed activities, in line with Target 22 of the GBF, which aims to ensure access to justice, among other things, related to biodiversity by Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Tribal Nations Gather in Alaska to Discuss Climate Change Solutions

Tribal Nations Gather in Alaska to Discuss Climate Change Solutions

A question posed during the session was, “How has climate change impacted tribal communities' ability to maintain their cultural practices?” Responses highlighted the diverse experiences of attendees, with one noting the increasing frequency of natural disasters and the decline in tree productivity, while another emphasized that rising water temperatures have jeopardized salmon survival.

The government has a target for Indigenous digital inclusion. It’s got little hope of meeting it

The government has a target for Indigenous digital inclusion. It’s got little hope of meeting it

A recent report on adult media literacy in Australia reveals 48% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants do not understand what AI is or the risks and opportunities it presents.

Implementing Target 15 of the KM-GBF: Challenges and Opportunities for Indigenous Rights, Biodiversity, and the Energy Transition

Implementing Target 15 of the KM-GBF: Challenges and Opportunities for Indigenous Rights, Biodiversity, and the Energy Transition

When the right to FPIC is respected and operationalized to minimum standards articulated in the UNDRIP, Indigenous Peoples’ have full participation in projects that impact them and decision-making authority to protect their lands, cultures, and ecosystems.

Cultural Survival Is Headed to CBD COP16!

Cultural Survival Is Headed to CBD COP16!

Wide support for the statement is more important than ever as it expresses the deep concern that financial institutions are continuing to fail to respect, recognize, and strengthen the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in line with the Global Biodiversity Framework.

The federal government has left Indigenous Treaties to the states. How are they progressing?

The federal government has left Indigenous Treaties to the states. How are they progressing?

Bartholomew Stanford does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

The Voice defeat set us all back. And since then, our leaders have given up

The Voice defeat set us all back. And since then, our leaders have given up

These ideas fall into the same tired policy stereotypes of throwing money at some of the usual organisations and peoples who have long benefited, and claiming this solves the systemic problems we face.

15 Calls to Action on Indigenous Peoples Day!

15 Calls to Action on Indigenous Peoples Day!

Though changes have been made at the high school and collegiate levels, there is still more to be done with professional sports teams and other businesses.

Digital Sequence Information Poses Risks to Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Biodiversity

Digital Sequence Information Poses Risks to Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Biodiversity

Open for signatures by all States and regional economic integration organizations, this treaty introduces a mechanism for companies conducting research and development using Marine Genetic Resources and DSI derived from them to share benefits fairly and equitably.