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ensure Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal Peoples Humlo Indigenous Peoples Indigenous communities affected Indigenous Peoples children academic appointment

It wasn’t just race and politics that motivated Voice to Parliament ‘no’ voters. Here’s what we found when we dug deeper

It wasn’t just race and politics that motivated Voice to Parliament ‘no’ voters. Here’s what we found when we dug deeper

Findings show it was fundamentally the esteem of authority, the desire for an ordered society, and perceptions of justice and fairness that dictated how people engaged with this emotionally charged political issue, and ultimately how they voted.

The internet makes it too easy to ‘fall down a rabbit hole of hate’. So, what works to curb online extremism?

The internet makes it too easy to ‘fall down a rabbit hole of hate’. So, what works to curb online extremism?

The game helps build players’ critical thinking skills and bolster their resilience to the recruitment efforts of violent online extremist groups.

Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the Lof Paillako (Mapuche People’s community) in Argentina facing forced evictions.

Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the Lof Paillako (Mapuche People’s community) in Argentina facing forced evictions.

Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the Mapuche Tehuelche people of the Lof Paillako community in Chubut, Argentina, whose forced eviction has been momentarily suspended pending a decision in a federal court.

Roxanne Tickle’s win in the federal court is a historic victory for transgender women

Roxanne Tickle’s win in the federal court is a historic victory for transgender women

Today in the Federal Court of Australia, a judge ruled in favour of trans woman Roxanne Tickle in her anti-discrimination case against a social media app.

With more lawsuits potentially looming, should politicians be allowed to sue for defamation?

With more lawsuits potentially looming, should politicians be allowed to sue for defamation?

An oft-cited case in contrast is the United States, where politicians and other public figures can succeed in defamation only if they prove the publisher knew they were communicating a falsehood, or were reckless (careless to a very high degree) as to the truth.

What does family look like in Australia? It’s more diverse than you think

What does family look like in Australia? It’s more diverse than you think

At the same time, old challenges about women’s uneven greater share of work raising children, and caring for the homes in which we live, continue to need our focused attention to redress gender imbalances.

Calls to ban ‘harmful pornography’ are rife. Here’s what teens actually think about porn

Calls to ban ‘harmful pornography’ are rife. Here’s what teens actually think about porn

This paper is an outcome of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project Adolescents' perceptions of harm from accessing online sexual content (DP 190102435).

NT election: promises for Indigenous people buckle under history’s weight

NT election: promises for Indigenous people buckle under history’s weight

The incumbent Labor government and Country Liberal opposition claim to have the solutions, capacity and leadership to tackle the key issues, pitching their credentials at campaign launches in urban Darwin and Palmerston on the eve of early polling.

Big alcohol and tobacco are the aces of strategic marketing. The gambling industry has adopted the playbook

Big alcohol and tobacco are the aces of strategic marketing. The gambling industry has adopted the playbook

Spruiking fears of job losses in hospitality, corporate social responsibility efforts such as funding community projects and setting up foundations are other strategic marketing examples used by these industries.

The gambling industry is pulling out all the stops to prevent an ad ban, but the evidence is against it

The gambling industry is pulling out all the stops to prevent an ad ban, but the evidence is against it

Speaking on ABC Radio, the chief executive of Responsible Wagering Australia (the peak body for the industry), Kai Cantwell, argued bans push gamblers to illegal offshore services.

A Call to Action on Int’l Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

A Call to Action on Int’l Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

At Cultural Survival, we are working around the world and around the clock to support the priorities of Indigenous Nations and communities that are protecting Mother Earth for generations to come and for the millions of people, plant, animal, and mineral relatives that share our homelands.

Indigenous Language Journalism in Nepal: A Vital But Challenged Landscape

Indigenous Language Journalism in Nepal: A Vital But Challenged Landscape

This multi-pronged approach, encompassing government policies, media initiatives, and educational programs, offers a promising path for the preservation and promotion of Nepal's rich linguistic heritage.