Cultural Survival Intern Spotlight: Olivia Bradley
Sharing these stories further connects our community, provides much-needed solidarity and validation to our staff and partners on the ground, and helps us inspire others to join our movement.
Sharing these stories further connects our community, provides much-needed solidarity and validation to our staff and partners on the ground, and helps us inspire others to join our movement.
According to the expert, the dictatorship uses tactics of humiliation, including physical abuse, to instill fear in the general population to silence dissenting voices and dispossess the Mitskitu people of their property, a systematic use of terror and usurpation.
Company One Theatre (C1) announces the National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere of Haunted, written and directed by Tara Moses, with dramaturgy by Quita Sullivan, and produced in partnership with the Boston Public Library.
Psychologist found events that mark the passage of time (birthdays, holidays, new years) allow people to mentally consign their failures to the past and start again with a clean slate.
well-treated animals are good at remembering kindness […] a human being however […] can become the bitter enemy of a friend and for some trifling and casual reason blurt out confidences to betray the very man who trusted him.
This decision is also not unexpected after a year of defunding and dismantling of state bodies and instruments for the defense of Indigenous rights, as well as persecution, repression, and prosecutions of communities throughout the country.
For the first time in its eight-year run, this year’s film festival also included a Family Day Powwow and a Nashville-style Native musicians’ round featuring Koli Kohler (Hupa/Yurok/Karuk), Darren Thompson (Ojibwe), and Suni Sonqo Vizcarra Wood (Quechua), in addition to the annual Tsenacommacah Eastern Indian Market.
This won’t change much until the west African nation addresses certain stumbling blocks, notably Ghana’s single member district or “first past the post” electoral system and its lack of a gender quota for parliament.
At the other end of the line, a family violence worker asks some questions to assess the risk, then a plan is made to support the victim to find a safe place to stay.
Forced assimilation is also a part of this process, which frequently includes the removal of children and separation of families, psychological violence, prevention of the ability to lead a traditional lifestyle, perverted notions of cultural values, and the imposition of moral principles by outsiders.
Fortunately, Australia has good systems in place, particularly in the large states of Victoria and New South Wales, to receive help by reaching out through police but involving trained professionals like psychologists and youth workers.
As you enter the Bazaar, you'll be welcomed into a space filled with joy and resilience, where the air is alive with music and the presence of Indigenous vendors and cooperatives sharing their culture and stories.