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Native American

“Haunted” at the Boston Public Library Addresses Land Back through Native Comedy Theater

“Haunted” at the Boston Public Library Addresses Land Back through Native Comedy Theater

As the play concluded with thunderous applause, the audience filtered out to the lobby, Red Hawk Singers led by CheeNulKa Pocknett (Mashpee Wampanoag) provided an honor song, and the crowd was alive and bright, with conversations between strangers and friends everyone had to share something about the piece they had just seen.

Native Theatre Brilliance Rising: An Interview with Playwright Tara Moses

Native Theatre Brilliance Rising: An Interview with Playwright Tara Moses

This play teaches people about what the Land Back movement is, how they can be involved whether they rent or they own, why this is so important, what is rematriation, and the specific links between Black Liberation and Tribal Sovereignty and how closely aligned these two communities are.

Reflecting on 46 Years of the Indian Child Welfare Act, Its Legacy, Challenges, and Ongoing Impact

Reflecting on 46 Years of the Indian Child Welfare Act, Its Legacy, Challenges, and Ongoing Impact

I think that ICWA would benefit by allowing more families to have first options as foster care providers, and I also think that we should take a look at background checks because I believe that the social justice system is biased, and we have the data here in Alaska to prove it.

24 Indigenous-Led Podcasts to Explore This Native American Heritage Month

24 Indigenous-Led Podcasts to Explore This Native American Heritage Month

This podcast explores the lives and legacy of the Horn family, highlighting their Kanien’keha roots, activism, and contributions to art and culture, as conveyed through Ma’s personal stories and engaging discussions.

Jeffrey Gibson’s “the space in which to place me” Installation Is a Pinnacle of the Venice Biennale Arte 2024

Jeffrey Gibson’s “the space in which to place me” Installation Is a Pinnacle of the Venice Biennale Arte 2024

Other Indigenous artists from around the globe and here in Turtle Island, including Kay WalkingStick (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma) and Emma Whitehorse (Navajo) are also participating in the Biennale Arte’s main exhibition.