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Australian Research Council

The Human Rights Commission has handed down a report on racism at Australian universities. Here’s why it fails

The Human Rights Commission has handed down a report on racism at Australian universities. Here’s why it fails

To properly understand how racism is working, reports like this must go beyond collating individual feelings and experiences as though all perspectives are equal, and examine the institutions and political systems that distribute racial violence and racist harm.

Crisis accommodation is failing women fleeing domestic violence. Here’s how to fix it

Crisis accommodation is failing women fleeing domestic violence. Here’s how to fix it

At the other end of the line, a family violence worker asks some questions to assess the risk, then a plan is made to support the victim to find a safe place to stay.

Rates of youth radicalisation are climbing in Australia and abroad. Here’s what to look out for

Rates of youth radicalisation are climbing in Australia and abroad. Here’s what to look out for

Fortunately, Australia has good systems in place, particularly in the large states of Victoria and New South Wales, to receive help by reaching out through police but involving trained professionals like psychologists and youth workers.

We tried a different preschool curriculum to prevent youth crime. Checking in 20 years later, it worked

We tried a different preschool curriculum to prevent youth crime. Checking in 20 years later, it worked

Overwhelmingly, efforts across the country are devoted to early intervention with children identified as “at risk” in some way (such as showing disruptive behaviour), or to the treatment of young people who become enmeshed in the youth justice system.

Kids are digital natives. They have ideas to help protect children from being harmed online

Kids are digital natives. They have ideas to help protect children from being harmed online

In an era where digital landscapes shape childhood experiences, safeguarding children from online harms requires a collective commitment to strategies which promote vigilance, education, and proactive regulation.

New government funding for family violence is unprecedented, but it can’t afford to wait

New government funding for family violence is unprecedented, but it can’t afford to wait

Long wait lists, delayed access to support and inadequate legal representation are just some of the problems victim-survivors have faced due to this under-resourcing.

Calls to ban ‘harmful pornography’ are rife. Here’s what teens actually think about porn

Calls to ban ‘harmful pornography’ are rife. Here’s what teens actually think about porn

This paper is an outcome of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project Adolescents' perceptions of harm from accessing online sexual content (DP 190102435).