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The Siren Song – UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Report Sings About Advancing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, but the Panel Retains Colonial Aspects Regarding Indigenous Lands

The Siren Song – UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Report Sings About Advancing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, but the Panel Retains Colonial Aspects Regarding Indigenous Lands

The call for a global traceability framework and a High-Level Expert Advisory Group indicated by the report is essential, but the lack of binding mechanisms means these remain voluntary, and their effectiveness depends on the willingness of states and corporations to act.

The Secretary-General’s Panel’s New Set of Recommendations on CETMs: An Opportunity to Ensure the Respect of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Avoid Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

The Secretary-General’s Panel’s New Set of Recommendations on CETMs: An Opportunity to Ensure the Respect of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Avoid Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

Furthermore, we welcome the panel’s recognition that “specific measures should be implemented to ensure that Indigenous Peoples are recognized as equal partners and benefit equitably from these opportunities, with benefit-sharing schemes aligned with their right to self-determination” (Principle 4, Para 38).

Top Wins for Indigenous Peoples in 2023-2024

Top Wins for Indigenous Peoples in 2023-2024

Following centuries of violence, racism, and conquest by colonial missions, rubber companies, and State governments, the court's acknowledgment of the Siekopai as the rightful owners of Pë’kĂ«ya is a crucial step toward their legal battle of restoring justice, ensuring collective survival, and preserving cultural heritage.

New study links low incomes, stressed parents and child behaviour – better support would bring lifelong benefits

New study links low incomes, stressed parents and child behaviour – better support would bring lifelong benefits

This is important, as children’s behavioural (or social and emotional) development sets the foundation for longer term positive mental health and academic success.

17 Years of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

17 Years of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

"Governments around the world must honor their responsibilities to move from Declaration endorsement to adoption and align their domestic laws and policies with the rights, self-governance, and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples," says Cultural Survival Executive Director Aimee Roberson (Choctaw and Chickasaw).

Meet Our KOEF 2024 Grant Partners Strengthening Livelihoods around Lands and Climate Change

Meet Our KOEF 2024 Grant Partners Strengthening Livelihoods around Lands and Climate Change

Concerned about the deterioration of the land and the poor quality of food produced in monoculture with agrochemicals, they planned this project for the conservation and sustainable management of the soil in shade coffee plantations with agroecological practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers and natural insecticides.

Minahasa’s Cry: Indigenous Voices Rise Against Mining Onslaught in Indonesia

Minahasa’s Cry: Indigenous Voices Rise Against Mining Onslaught in Indonesia

Unmasking the Truth Over a six-month period, Kelung's dedicated team embarked on an ambitious reporting initiative, traveling across Minahasa to gather firsthand accounts of the impact of mining.

Activism through Performance: A Conversation with Landa Lakes

Activism through Performance: A Conversation with Landa Lakes

PF: Please share with us how your Chickasaw Nation heritage, childhood in Oklahoma, your identity as Two-Spirit, engagement in social justice activism, and your career in performance art all intersect so smoothly to outsiders.

Road to CBD COP16: New Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples

Road to CBD COP16: New Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples

The main results of the Summit, including recommendations developed by the participants as well as proposals from Indigenous Peoples, will be presented on the IIFB website and at the upcoming CBD COP16 in Cali, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and 11th session Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Windhoek, Namibia.

Kids are digital natives. They have ideas to help protect children from being harmed online

Kids are digital natives. They have ideas to help protect children from being harmed online

In an era where digital landscapes shape childhood experiences, safeguarding children from online harms requires a collective commitment to strategies which promote vigilance, education, and proactive regulation.

‘Didn’t care enough’: here’s what the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide found

‘Didn’t care enough’: here’s what the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide found

Being made to paint rocks or sweep away rain, losing leave applications, prohibiting career progression and blocking courses of deployments are common strategies that strip the victim of purpose, identity and belonging.

‘Cardio drumming’ is the hot, new exercise trend to purge your daily anger and frustration

‘Cardio drumming’ is the hot, new exercise trend to purge your daily anger and frustration

They’re drumming to Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll” and Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” at the Foundry Christian Community Center in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where enthusiasts range in age from 3 to 83.